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Bee Class is made up of 9 children (From Years 5 and 6). They are led by Miss Beckley (Class Teacher).

Similar to Butterflies and Squirrels, we follow a structured timetable where we begin with social learning time before breaking away to our tables. Bee Class work with a sensory and personalised approached working at either 1:1 level or small groups.  

Developing social skills and communication skills is central to Bee Class, therefore children have access to a Total Communication Environment which is enriched with symbols, Makaton signs, ALD boards and talk buttons. 


Class Updates: 

  • PE is on Monday’s and Wednesday’s – please ensure PE kits are in school – these will be sent home at the end of each half-term.  

  • Please ensure reading packs are in your child’s bag each day. 

  • If you have any questions please feel free to pop them in your child’s green home communication book.