Butterfly Class is made up of 12 Year 5 and 6 children. We focus closely on the individual needs of each child and their preferred learning styles. Learning is fun and engaging, taught through termly topics. All aspects of the curriculum is taught with a focus on extending children’s understanding and experiences without a ceiling, to ensure all children achieve their very best. We also endeavour to take learning beyond the classroom using our own school grounds and taking the children on trips or inviting visitors into class throughout the school year.
There are three members of staff: Mrs Guest, Mrs Clifton and Miss Roberts. The team have created a safe and happy learning environment that inspires the children to care for each other and promotes a positive environment, encouraging self-confidence and independence, in all aspects of the child’s life and learning.
Our PE day is Tuesday and Thursday. Please make sure your child has their PE kit to keep in school and is clearly labelled. We will be working with the Wolves Foundation on a Tuesday.
If you need to contact us please do so through the home school diary or by the class email: butterfly@woodsetton.dudley.sch.uk
Please send your child’s reading book into school every day, we will record when we have heard your child read. Please also write in the reading record when you read with your child at home. Your child’s book will be changed regularly.
Please support your child with their reading, phonics and maths through the Reading Eggs app. Login details have been sent home with your child.