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Ladybird Class is part of Lower Key stage 2, alongside Frog Class and Owl Class. There are 11 children in Ladybird Class. Staff working in Ladybird Class are Mrs Lampitt (class teacher)


In Ladybird Class we follow the Lower Key Stage 2 curriculum, adapting the planning and learning tasks for our more complex learners. We focus closely on the individual needs of each child and consider not only what our pupils need to learn, but also considers how they learn best. There are opportunities for both indoor and outdoor learning and children are able to explore their ideas using a wide range of practical and sensory equipment.


We strive to inspire each and every pupil to achieve their full potential and most importantly to be happy and content in their learning environment. 


Class updates 

1. In Ladybird Class we have PE sessions are on Wednesdays and Fridays. Please ensure your child has a labelled PE kit in school.  

2. Your child will have a Home/ School Communication Book for us and you to share any communication, information for minor issues. We also have a class email, this is  

3. Your child will have a reading book and a reading record, please ensure these come into school each day with your child.