Caterpillar class has a very varied and exciting timetable. We start each day with a welcome song, where we all sit together and say good morning using Makaton, sound buttons or speech. We practice the days of the week through song and count together how many children we have attending each day. Phonics is our first lesson, we begin with the phonemes s a t p i n and follow the Twinkl phonics program. Communication covers reading, writing, speaking & listening which includes our Wellcomm program and Attention Autism bucket time. Math’s involves Number, Space, shape & measures, Using & applying and is taught through the number ranges suitable for our children. We use our outdoor area in all lessons, plus spaces such as Soft play and the hall to enhance our children’s learning.
Lunchtime is a lovely social opportunity for our children – we sit together to have lunch and encourage eye contact and communication. Support staff encourage life skills such as using a spoon, drinking from a cup, opening packets, it is a time that we can also embed important routines such as hand washing and recognizing our personal belongings e.g. lunch boxes, drinks bottles.
Caterpillar’s afternoon timetable covers subjects such as computing, Understanding of the world (science, history, geography) Life skills, Physical development, Jigsaw (RE, PSHCE), Expressive arts and personal development.
In your child’s bag you should have a home/school communication book which needs to be kept in their bags every day. This book is for us to send your comments about how your child’s day has been and let you know of any wow moments as and when we feel necessary. Please feel free to write in these books to let us know how your child is getting on at home, how their sleep has been and to inform us of any changes to your home life that may affect your child’s behavior. Your child should also have a reading book (these will be books to share with an adult, looking at pictures, turning pages) plus a reading diary in which you can record when you read with your child. It is important that these books are kept in bags as we read every day between 1-1.30pm.
Our life skills session is on a Tuesday afternoon and this will include Forest school, so please ensure your child has a pair of named wellies and a waterproof coat in school. Wednesday morning is our Physical development session, we will either be at Stourbridge Crystal leisure centre or using our school soft play. Caterpillars, Moles and Badger class use this facility on a Rota basis. On occasions we also use the Adventure playground or have the bikes and scooters outside. Please send your child to school in comfortable clothing, trainers and a coat.