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Frog class is made up of a group of eleven children who are supported by Mr Robinson (Class Teacher), and three teaching assistants. The children within Frog class form part of Lower Key Stage 2. 


In Frog class, we ensure that we continue to build upon and extend the experiences that children have had from their previous learning. We strive to deliver a structured approach to learning while ensuring we have lots of fun. Each term, the children will encounter a different topic, which allows for exciting and engaging learning experiences for all. The children’s learning is personalised, and they have individualised targets based on their Education Health Care Plan. 


We actively support children to overcome their barriers to learning and ensure that a child’s communication development takes the lead in all we do. We want to ensure that we develop children’s confidence and independence to communicate, allowing them to access all activities and routines. Frog class aims to facilitate all communication needs and promote an inclusive classroom environment. Within the classroom, children will experience working in small groups and on a 1:1 basis.  The classroom organisation and overall layout encompasses a range of diverse considerations to meet the needs of all children. We want our children to feel safe, confident, and comfortable, and we will continually encourage them to become more independent learners. 


In Frog class, we recognise that all the children will regularly demonstrate new skills and achieve new things. We ensure that we celebrate every achievement, no matter how big or small. All our learners are valued, and we aim for every child to do their very best to achieve their full potential. We are proud of all of the pupils in Frog class and we will always aim to inspire every child to do their best. 




  • Our PE days are on a Thursday and Friday. Please may you ensure that your child has an appropriate PE kit in school. 

  • Home Learning - Please use the Reading Eggs/Maths Seeds app to complete lots of fun interactive activities. Also, please read with your child at home, either their school book or a book they enjoy sharing with you.  

  • Please use the home/school book to inform us of any important information.