Woodpecker Class is made up of 12 children and are a mixed Year 1 and Year 2 Cohort. The children in Woodpecker Class need support with their Communication and Social Emotional Mental Health needs. We endeavour to support their communication and interaction by using a ‘Total Communication Environment’ at all times. This is by using Makaton, symbols, ACC and ALD’s. The children have access to the outdoors and quiet intervention spaces in order to focus on their learning. This helps us support the children’s individual learning needs. Children in Woodpecker Class access an adapted curriculum that captures their interests. The children also follow a visual timetable to support them with changes and transitions.
Our Team
Our Woodpecker Team is lead by Miss Lappage (Class teacher) and 3 Teaching Assistants. We are dedicated to promoting a safe and positive learning environment for our children. The care and wellbeing of the children is crucial to our everyday practice.
Class Updates
Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesdays. Please could you ensure all of the children’s belongings are clearly labelled.
We do daily reading sessions with the children so ask that their books and records are sent in each day. The children can access our Reading Eggs/Maths Seeds App. Please let us know if you need your login details.
Please check your child’s home school communication book and send it in daily. If you need anything you can pop a message in the book 😊